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It's been a whole 'ding dang' year since I posted something here.

You know...

It's interesting being a working mom in Appalachia, particularly when you come across the client base of the veterinary clinic you work for.  I gotta say, if one more person explains to me the logic of using motor oil to treat their pooch's mange, I'm going to explain the logic of using turpentine to shave their balls.

Moving on.

The spawnlet is now a whopping 18 months old, has mastered her pterodactyl cry of doomy-doom, and has a mouth full of teeth.  After taking a year off to deal with my husband's alcoholism, because yes, I'm that special enabler, I'm back in the school game.  So I am:

40 hour workweek, 15 hour course load, infinite mommy.

Oh my.  It's good times.

I don't know how much commentary I'll have here, given my predisposition to paranoia.  I cain't be found out, y'all!

Except I followers.  So, not really that worried.

I set up some assignments due this weekend tonight.  I'm hellatired.  Gonna go scrub the moss off my teeth and hit that pillow like the bitch it is.


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